Rajnagar Reward Welfare Association (REWARD) has been registered in the year 2013, and ever since then involved in many social developmental activities. ‘REWARD’ is always with the aim to make sustainable the livelihood of the marginalized sector of the society.

Our Mission, Vision and Motto


‘REWARD’ aims to acknowledge the root cause of poverty, aware and make sustainable the maximum population and eliminate the pathetic condition of the poor.


Our vision is to establish the right to live with integrity, conditioning the vulnerability with the available resources and knowledge.

 Motto: ‘Rewarding Every Knowledge’

Our Strategy


     REWARD emphasize on Livelihood development through integrating all the interventions in one area, whether it is Education, Health & Hygiene, Women empowerment, Sustainable Agriculture, and Social rights. Hence, we observed that our interventional endeavor with the approach towards sustainable development would be successful if we establish the proper networking and work together with every aspect of the society.

Our Friends

     REWARD received the opportunity to work with National and International collaborators, partners and organizations. The friend circle all over the world is helping us to elaborate our structural development towards sustainable livelihood.

Annual Report

Annual Report 2018-2019

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Annual Report 2017-2018

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Annual Report 2016-2017

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