Farmers Field Schools

     Farmer field School concept have been initiated from the year 2016 to establish a platform with Farmers, Resource persons, sustaining the traditional knowledge along with modern technology. In the beginning it has been implemented in the dry zone of Birbhum, Bankura where the villages are based with Tribal communities. These communities depend on the forest-based products because they are able to cultivate at the time of rain only. Hence, in the lean period value addition to the local available resources fetch them the price of consumable products, which are being needed to sustain. In general scenario it is very easily observed that our farmers cultivate with less knowledge hence, they use excessive seeds, manure, pesticides and insecticides to get the maximum output, which as a consequence does not come out with good revenue, rather than they end up with loss. The FFS helps to make cultivation commercial in the aspect of expenses and earning revenue for it.