Our Intervention

Education For All

     In one aspect we all are screaming about ‘Right to education’ but in other hand we all are passing through a stage of camouflaged educational system where a development of a personality is rigid in this overpopulated country, as we are not able to come out of the tradition in fear of losing the minimum basic upliftment. Hence, REWARD is with the aim to establish the right to Education for all with various methodologies.

Education Boost-Up through Coaching centers

The coaching center concept has been modified to early childhood boost up education programme to eradicate the barriers of education of our tribal children due to different language. Their mother tongue is following the Alchiki language and in school 95% teachers are not able to understand this language, hence, in the Anganwaries children were not able to even learn the basic writing. Now, with our effort to prepare the children for class 1 we have focused the nursery children to boost up the education.

Securing The Food Basket

Right to food is a fundamental right of any living object on Earth, but for Humanity we are in a phase where we need to take care of ourselves, rather make arrangements for our own food, and make the vulnerable section of the society to arrange for their Food Basket. With this aim REWARD emphasize on the following aspects. Right to food is a fundamental right of any living object on Earth, but for Humanity we are in a phase where we need to take care of ourselves, rather make arrangements for our own food, and make the vulnerable section of the society to arrange for their Food Basket. With this aim REWARD emphasize on the following aspects.


     Our regular activity to aware the community initiated from the year 2013 and throughout all these years, the main objective was to aware the community with the basic precaution measures, as the health institution structure in India and specially in West Bengal are improving but the distance of the institutions (Hospitals, Nursing Homes) are too expensive to reach. Thus, REWARD started giving facility to the community through free Ambulance service, also with the help of the local health workers REWARD had been struggling to increase the rate of institutional birth, keeping record of the child and the mother till the age of the baby reach 6 years.

Women Empowerment

REWARD emphasise to generate income in a dignified way through various income generation programmes. The programme “My Wallet” for the women are based on generating income on the farm based, Non-farmbased, and commodities.

From 2013, REWARD worked with 3000 Self Help Groups and organized Government & Non- Governmental programmes, and the observation came up with consequences as follows: